Math Corps is a life-changing program that highlights the greatness in every single child.

Paving the way to a viable and sustainable future for all with passion and commitment – that is one of our ambitions as "Pioneers at heart for the good of generations". Organizations and private initiatives around the world rely on the support of people who are willing to help on a voluntary basis.

Our volunteering initiative "Make an impact on tomorrow" (MIT) has been driving employee and retiree engagement for over 25 years and has supported over 18,000 projects in more than 100 countries worldwide. Henkel helps not only through financial and in-kind donations but also by granting paid leave to employees to make a difference locally. Active and former Henkel colleagues lend a hand where help is needed and make small contributions to a better world: They build homes for those in need, cheer on athletes at the Special Olympics or support a Ugandan orphanage. Not only do they bring lasting change, but they also gain unforgettable memories. 


Help where help is needed: Bringing change trough different kinds of volunteering

At Henkel, there are three ways to volunteer: individual volunteering, team volunteering and skill-based volunteering. These three different types enable employees to get involved in social projects according to their preferences and skills. At the same time, the projects as well as the NGOs that we collaborate with benefit from the wide range of support, whether it’s through individual time off, the organization of team projects or the allocation of professional expertise.

Insights into our voluntary work

Sport beyond borders at the Special Olympics
Under the motto #UnbeatableTogether the Special Olympics World Games 2023 brought together over 6,500 athletes from all over the world. A team of 60 Henkel volunteers was present to support and cheer for the athletes and together break down walls to a more inclusive society

Together for a greener world: Trashfighter
Our global sustainability project "Trashfighter" has already mobilized over 1,300 employees worldwide to actively reduce plastic waste by removing trash from riversides, parks and cities to raise awareness for waste issues.

Creating opportunities for a better future
At its plant in Gauteng, South Africa, Henkel supports a small community to provide underprivileged children with early childhood education and help them to pave their way to a better future through the Tamaho Early Learning Center. For over a decade, the Tamaho Center has been offering children the chance to learn, grow and achieve their dreams – supported by Henkel employees’ active engagement as well as financial assistance through the company.

Hands-on support in Uganda
Henkel employee Gabi Haak founded the association "Peace's Hope" in 2017 to help support the "Sonrise Ministries" initiative, which runs three orphanages in Uganda and is committed to the well-being of the community. Every year, she and her association organize team trips to the orphanages to lend a hand – together with fellow Henkel employees.

Building houses and giving hope
As part of our so-called "Baureisen" (building trips), Henkel employees collaborate with the non-profit organization "Habitat for Humanity" to build houses for families in need in countries such as Romania, Poland and the USA.

more stories on Social Engagement