Aug 31, 2018  Düsseldorf / Germany

Henkel expands knowledge platform with interactive e-learning program

Information as a top priority in food safe packaging

With ever-increasing complexity in legislation, and both brand owners and retailers determined to meet the highest food safety standards for their consumers, information is a top priority. Hence, as the global market leader for high-impact adhesive solutions, Henkel is putting an even stronger focus on the established webinar program to share knowledge with its industry partners.

In line with the company’s Food Safe Packaging Initiative, Henkel has expanded its Food Safety Training Center to include additional helpful tools and materials such as e-learning programs, FAQs, white papers, and a glossary. The upgraded platform is accessible here.

New formats and additional content

“It is our goal to create an environment where all our industry partners can easily have access to our information on food safety. For this reason, we redesigned our online platform and are constantly adding valuable tools to our Food Safety Program”, says Dr. Monika Tönnießen, Manager Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs at Henkel. The new tools include e-learning units like “ways to improve food safety”, a glossary, FAQs, and a completely new space for white papers on topics like risk assessment, migration or chemical of interest. “Especially with the needs of the end consumers in mind, it is our responsibility to share information about this topic and create transparency for all stakeholders,” Tönnießen continues.

It is Henkel’s goal to provide a platform for all industry members involved in the food packaging value chain, from retailers to brand owners and converters. The webinars and information tools aim to enlarge the debate on food safe packaging. Participation in the webinars and access to all other information tools is free of charge for Henkel partners and customers.

Henkel provides insights into food safe packaging in its Food Safety Training Center available on

Dr. Monika Tönnießen, Manager Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs at Henkel

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