Pakman, CHAiNGERS Trainee Heidelberg, Germany

What do you think is the coolest part of the program?

For me, the coolest part of the program was allowing us to rotate through different departments over 18 months, just like the Disney fast pass. We were able to get an overview of the different departments and gain experience in less time than others. In addition, the program is very flexible and open to the choice of rotation. The 10 trainees had all gone through different rotations, depending on our preferences.

What would be an advice you would give young graduates starting at Henkel?

When you first join Henkel, you may feel nervous. But don't worry, you are never alone, there are local mentors, program managers, coaches, and CHAiNGERS to support you. To enjoy the journey, always keep a curious and open mind. There are no stupid questions, the more questions you have, the faster you will progress.

It is part of the program to take over a Lean Six Sigma project. What do you get to experience during this time?

When I joined Henkel as a young graduate student, I felt lost and didn't know how to lead a project. During the first month, we were able to explore Six Sigma, from the training, different tools were introduced to us that made it possible for me to structure, lead and achieve the goal together with the team.

It seems like the group of trainees are close – how is it being part of that CHAiNGERS crew?  

This journey was very rewarding, but at the same time, it was compact. The CHAINGERS are just like you who take up the same challenge. Therefore, do consider them as companions on the journey, supporting and accompanying each other.